4 Best Putty Alternative SSH Client Used by Professionals

4 Best Putty Alternative SSH Client Used by Professionals

Putty Alternative

Putty is one of the good terminal or ssh client software used for creating terminal connection with your network devices but there are some other good SSH software are also available which are also used by network professionals. Here is the best list of Putty Alternative :

Other SSH clients like Putty :



MobaXterm is a best ever terminal for Windows operating systems. In MobaXterm you can used the multiple tabbed SSH client connections for remote terminals in the single windows. It also give you all basic Unix-commands on Windows OS with a single executable file which works out of the box.

Mobaxterm Putty AlternativeMobaxterm is available in free and paid versions, following are the some features of free version.

  • terminals connections including SSH or telnet
  • Remote desktop connection to windows & unix
  • Provide full support for  Server
  • support SFTP browser
  • You can include Plugins  like SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, FTP, broswer SFTP etc with MobaXterm
  • MobaXterm is avaiable in both Portable versions or can be installed from executable setup.
  • You can have Full documentation which are very helpful for new as well as for professional users.
  • With free version you can create a Maximum of 12 terminal connections at a time.
  • Maximum two SSH tunnels and four macros with free version
  • Maximum respomse time is 360s for Tftp and nfs.

Learn more how to use MobaXterm with Gns3.

While with the paid version you can enjoy the unlimited access to block features. You can download Mobaxterm from their website.


KiTTY is also putty alternative terminal software or a Windows SSH Client. KiTTY terminal look like the putty software but have some advance features as compare to PuTTY.

kitty terminal
Here are the some advance features of kitty over putty:

  • You can apply Sessions filter with kitty terminal
  • kitty is Portable software which can be used any where using single file.
  • you Shortcuts for pre defined commands
  • You can Run a locally saved script on a remote session using kitty
  • An icon for each session
  • Quick start for a duplicate terminal session
  • you can integrate other network software like pscp.exe & WinSCP like kitty

Terminals SSH Client

Terminals is a secure terminal tools used for different terminal services like remote desktop, SSH, telnet etc. It also have the multi-tab feature and a colorful graphical interface.

Terminals putty alternative

Following are the key features of terminals:

  • Secire SSH Client connectivity
  • Multi-tab interfaces for multiple connection to your remote devices
  • you can use terminal in full screen and can also switch between full screen terminals as well
  • have support for these networking-tools i.e. Ping-tool, Tracert-tool, DNS tools, Wake on lan etc.
  •  It save you Connections history and you can reaccess it later.
  • you can take Screenshot of your terminal


OpenSSH is a free version of the SSH or terminal software for windows OS.  One of cool feature of OpenSSH is that It encrypts all traffic  and provide you a secure connection to your end device. OpenSSH provides secure tunneling and several authentication procedures for very secure and save connectivity.

Download OPenSSH


I have found the above SSH software as a best putty alternative, you can share your experience here in comments. I hope this article is informative for you and i would like to thank you for reading.


Waqas Azam
Me Waqas Azam and I am a professional blogger & freelance writer. I also working in the IT industry for over 7 years. I am graduated in Computer Science and information technology.