Fixed: Having issue Installing Filezilla from Ubuntu Software Center:
Filezilla is used to transfer files to your FTP server to your PC, fileZilla is open source fast and reliable cross-platform FTPS, FTP, and SFTP client which have some useful features and with graphical user interface.
This article is about installing Filezilla client on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and also discus some problem those I have faced while installing Filezilla client on Ubuntu 14.04, So sharing my experience will help you in troubleshooting of installation of Filezilla.
First when I tried to Filezilla from Ubuntu software center I got the following error:
Package dependencies cannot be resolved
this error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable…
These errors are sometimes, because of package dependencies.
Steps for installing Filezilla on Ubuntu 14.04:
Open the software and update from search menu, goto “other software” tab and select the both
canonical partner check-boxes as shown in figure:
For another troubleshooting step if you are non-American and having issue in getting updates on Ubuntu you can change the download server to “servers for united states” for more details you can visit change download servers in Ubuntu for updates
now goto Ubuntu software center and search for “filezilla”, click on install and you are done.. 🙂