VPN Features
The main features of VPNs that they are secure and user-friendly and provide you the better way to access your remote office. There are different types of VPNs and following are key features of VPNs you can review these while designing your VPN network. These are helpfull for VPN design.
Advantage of using VPNs
- Virtual private network is Low Cost solution as compare to dedicated line or connections.
- VPNs are the easy and flexible way for connecting to braunch office or to remote access to central office. Site to site VPN is a good example.
- VPNs have scalability and you can increase network at any-time with very low investment to current-network.
- The geographic coverage of VPNs is nearly everywhere, you can create them with Internet access in a secure consistent manner.
- VPN provide you secure remote access to any user from anywhere using internet connection using some VPN client Software. All communication or data flow through VPN tunnel is encrypted. In this way, the information is away from hackers.
- By using VPN you can access the web anonymously, VPN allows you to access both web-applications and websites in complete anonymity. You can bypass different internet filters and in this way, you can access blocked websites.
- Since VPN provides you the remote access to the office, therefore, an individuals can work from home with VPN. In case of a company, if you are having a VPN then the information can be accessed remotely even from home or from any other place. In this why a VPN can increase productivity for the company.
- You can perform file sharing with VPN, you can use VPN if you have a group that needs to share files for a long_period of time.
- You can have a better performance or improve the performance with VPN by varying bandwidth of VPN tunnels at any time.
Now a days Virtual private networks are getting more & more popular. If you need a VPN service you can review following VPN devices:
Cisco Gigabit RV325K9NA VPN
Linksys LRT224 VPN
ExpressVPN Linksys WRT3200ACM