List of Open Source Private Cloud Solutions which ensure privacy of your files:
Private cloud data centers are used for improving efficiency and enhance the latest hardware and software flexibility with the primary task of automated computing. This article is related to private cloud solutions, we will review of private cloud computing service here.
OWNCloud is an option for those who have a space of hosting own server at an ISP. ownCloud is a solution that allows us to implement our own storage service in the cloud with which to store files, access them remotely (both desktop Windows, OS X and Linux from iOS and Android mobile devices) or share them with other users who give permission to our server.
Besides being able to mount our “own Dropbox” private cloud version, ownCloud can be an interesting platform to work together because we share calendars includes a task manager, a document viewer and can be integrated with LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory (for environments based on Windows domain controllers). You can read more about installation and configuration of owncloud from here.
OpenStack is a high profile project which aims to lay the foundations on which to deploy cloud infrastructures on open architectures. In other words, it allows us to deploy OpenStack service IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and what Microsoft Azure offers but, yes, in free software. This project is driven by industry heavyweights such as AMD, Cisco, Dell, HP, IBM, Yahoo !, VMware and Red Hat or originated from a joint project between RackSpace and NASA.
A commercial NAS
In addition to the infrastructure in the cloud, a NAS can serve as storage service private files with the ability to remotely access all our information. More and more commercial NAS that we provide this type of functionality either natively or via plug-ins made by the community of developers.
NAS offer us this kind of options that include their products functionality and can remotely access or control our information even download torrents directly from the NAS. NAS storage offer that we can use as if they were our private cloud and access information through Internet comfortably, knowing that the storage is safe in our home.
FreeNAS is open source solution for cloud computing. FreeNAS is a Free BSD distribution that allows us to deploy our own NAS low cost using old PC we have at home and that, in this way, we can rescue from oblivion. Besides being an open source project, FreeNAS is especially interesting because it allows us to deploy our own infrastructure service online storage.
While installing FreeNAS is not complicated and its use in the network of our house is quite simple, we must acknowledge that make our files available in remote requires some time but worth a try and guarantee that we control our files. If you do not want to “emulate” a Dropbox we will always have the option to use the classic FTP server that is also included in this distribution.